
The file required for Bit: Cores plugin update system to work

The bot will check the update json for the latest version of the plugin, where to download it from and what version of Bit: Core it's for.

OptionDescriptionAccepted ValuesRequired


The latest plugin version



The plugins developer name



A link to the plugins latest version, is sent to the bots console when outdated



Each bit version can have it's own "latest" version. If a specified version is not found the bot will tell the user to update their Bit version.


Update JSON Example

    "latest": "1.0.0",
    "developer": "Lockyz Dev",
    "downloadLink": "https://cdn.lockyzdev.net/bit/plugins/xp/latest.zip",
    "5.0": "1.0.0-pre",
    "5.1": "1.0.0-pre",

Changes as of Bit 2024.1

There have been MANY changes within Bit 2024.1. Please check Updating to Bit 2024.1 for detailed information

All options are now in snake case, however plugins that are made for older versions of Bit should use the legacy values. The "latest" field has been removed and all the various bit versions are under an array, if your plugin is available for legacy versions of Bit, please use the legacy values as well (We're aware this may be annoying for some, as Bit matures and we start to create a consistent code style, various things will change)

Update JSON Example

    "download_link": "https://cdn.lockyzmedia.com/bit/plugins/xp/latest.zip",
    "bit_versions": {
        "2024.1": "2.0.0"

Update JSON Example with Legacy Options - As the "developer" option was never actually used, it should NOT be used when legacy versions are available.

    "download_link": "https://cdn.lockyzmedia.com/bit/plugins/xp/latest.zip",
    "bit_versions": {
        "2024.1": "2.0.0",
    "downloadLink": "https://cdn.lockyzmedia.com/bit/plugins/xp/latest.zip",
    "latest": "2.0.0",
    "5.1": "1.0.0",
    "5.0": "1.0.0"

Last updated

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