Bit 2024.1 makes MAJOR changes to the bots command handler. Things WILL break
Make sure to delete all the Bit and Bit Core files. This means EVERYTHING bar the /plugins folder and then everything inside the /plugins/bit-core folder!
Updating config.json
All config options are in snake case now. Please see the example below!
The config now requires a guild_only, language and dev_only field, you can follow the format below (using their default values)
{"embed_colours": {"positive":"#00FF1C","negative":"#FF0000","neutral":"#9013FE","main":"#86C1FD","secondary":"#50E3C2" },"botIDs": {"logs":"LOGGING ID","guild":"GUILD ID","client":"CLIENT/APPLICATION ID","owner":"OWNER ID" },"activities": {"type":"custom, playing, listening or watching","state":"The text that displays as the status","status":"online, idle, invisible or dnd" },"guildOnly":false,"language":"en","devmode":false,"token":"BOT TOKEN"}